There are a couple of qr code libraries on cpan, but I stopped looking when the first one worked:


requires 'Image::PNG::QRCode', '0.10';
requires 'Mojolicious', '9.35';

$ carton install



use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
use Image::PNG::QRCode 'qrpng';
use Mojo::Util 'b64_encode';

get '/' => sub ($c)  {
    my $blob  = qrpng(text => $c->url_for('sekrit', {code => 1234})->to_abs);
    $c->stash(template => 'index', 'img' => b64_encode $blob)

get '/sekrit/:code' => sub ($c) {
    $c->render(text => 'secret area');
}, 'sekrit';



@@ index.html.ep

Scan me: 
<img src="data:image/png;base64,<%= $img %>">

We can fire up the webserver the regular mojo way:

$ carton exec -- local/bin/hypnotoad ./qrthing

We've all seen a qr code before, so i think it's Ok to skip the screen shot...

That's it

I just think it's neat.